d c2 ade kami..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


suke tgk kwan2....
hepy tgk dorng..
terselit kekuatan di wajah kamoo2..
terserlah keceriaan d c2..

nk msuk jer exam..
fon b'bnyi...

"bt leklok syang.."
ibu ykin kamoo blh"..

si anak t'snyum girang,tenang..

"insyaAllah ibu...along akan bt yg terbaik"..

tp aku??
mmandang sepi kejauhan..
xtau utk siapa aku ucapkn semua 2..

10 tahun berlalu..
aku prnah mrasai ketenangan 2..
prnah kecapi kebahagiaan spt mereka..

hari ini..
kenangan yg dtg mnyinggah..
tiada lg pluk t
snyum grau..
kta2 smngat..
kcupan mesra seo
rang ibu...

yang tnggal hny kenagan..
msih trase hngat tngan ibu,,
lembutnye pelukan ibu,,
mnisnyer hdiah snyuman ibu..

tp aku yakin..
ibu ttap mnyokong dri kejauhan..
ttap t'snyum utk ank sperti aku..
yg haus m'cari secubit kasih ibu..

aku rndu,,
rndu utk m'cium tgn ibu..
n restu ibu..
m'cium mesra pipi tua ibu,,

tp aku ttap mlngkah gagah.,..
mlangkah b'sama2 sisa2 knangan ibu..
akn ku tunaikan jnji ku pdanya..
utk melihat anknye b'jaya..

hny utk seorang ibu..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

please comes..

rain, rain, go away...is what most people have to say.....
rain, rain, don't go away i hope you stay

Most people don't like rain because it ruins their day
but people like me wish it would rain everyday

when rain comes it washes away my pain
when rain comes it hides away my tears of shame

rain is such a wonderful thing
rain makes me dance in it and sing

rain, rain i hope you last
rain, rain, please wash away the past...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

pulang kembali!!

da lame amat xupdate..
almost 3 months tuh!!

byk bnda da brubah..
im hepy now..
no more sadness..
i hope so..

welcome back!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ear infection....


  1. *Cold symptoms – keep in mind that ear infections are almost always preceded by a cold. Often a clear runny nose will turn yellow or green before an ear infection sets in.

  2. *Fussiness during the day or night

  3. *Complaining of ear pain or hearing loss

  4. *Night-waking more frequently

  5. *Unwillingness to lie flat

  6. *Fever – usually low grade (101º - 102º); may not have a fever.

  7. *Sudden increase in fussiness during a cold

  8. *Ear drainage – if you see blood or pus draining out of the ear, then it is probably an infection with a ruptured eardrum. DON'T WORRY! These almost always heal just fine, and once the eardrum ruptures the pain subsides.

*Anatomy lesson. The ear is divided into three parts: the outer ear canal, the middle ear space where infections occur, and the inner ear where the nerves and balance center are. A thin, membranous eardrum divides the outer and middle ear. The middle ear space is also connected to the back of the nose via the Eustachian tube.

*Immature Eustachian tube. In infants and young children this tube is much shorter and is angled. It is therefore much easier for bacteria to migrate from the nose and throat up into the middle ear space. As the child grows this tube becomes more vertical, so germs have to travel "up hill" to reach the middle ear. This is one-reason children "outgrow" ear infections.

*Colds. When your child has a cold, the nasal passages get swollen and mucus collects in the back of the nose. This environment is a breeding ground for the bacteria that normally live in the nose and throat to begin to overgrow. Mucus is also secreted within the middle ear space just as it is in the sinuses.

*Bacterial invasion. Germs migrate up through the Eustachian tube and into the middle ear space where they multiply within the mucus that is stuck there. Pus begins to form and soon the middle ear space is filled with bacteria, pus and thick mucus.

*Ear pain. This pus causes the eardrum to bulge causing pain. It is this red, bulging pus-colored eardrum that the doctor can see by looking into the ear canal.

*Diminished hearing. The discharge that collects in the middle presses on the eardrum preventing it from vibrating normally. This is what the doctor means by "fluid in the middle ear." Also the fluid plugs the eustachian tube and dampens the sound like the sensation in your ears during air travel.


p/s :Repeated ear infections can also lead to hearing loss,OMG!

Monday, April 12, 2010

balasan insan bongkak..

xtau nk post ape sebnarnye..
tp bantai jela yg mane ptut kn..

kt bwah ni ade gmbar org suka m'cabar org..
nk suh org ggit..
xsakit katanya...
tp hakikatnya..
pham2 la yer..

request drp beliau...
jd la tontonan umum gmbar ni...

mntak maaf yer pkcik..
sape suh cbar...
len kali jgn...

hepy befday..

seorang insan..
yg ckup b'mkna lam idup blogger...
Mohd Hafiz Abdul Halim...
mnyambut hari lahir beliau pada 11 april 2010...
yg ke 23..

blogger mntk maaf kerana lmbat utk post kali ni,..
ade msalah teknikal...

ape2 pn blogger doakn yg t'baik utk beliau...
semoga beliau b'jaya dlm idup..
gud luck 4 ur final xm n ur laz project prentation soon...
do ur bez yer..
aja2 fighting!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

b'akhir sebuah cnta...

b'akhir suda sebuah cnta...
tragis btol title ni..

perlu ker meratap?
xperlu kot..
tp tpu la klu xsdey..

sdey yg t'amat2 sdey...
hubungn yg nadia perjuangkn..
xkira sakit,pahit.
akhir nye TAMAT

tnpa ucapan slamt tngggal pn..
wahai hati..
b'saba la yer...
ade yg t'baik utk kamoo nnt nadia..

percaya la pd jnj TUHANmu...

ya Allah...
berikanlah aku segunung kekuatan..
sesungguhnya dugaan ni amat amat berat utk aku tempuh...